
No hidden brokerage charges, just clear, straightforward fees. Discover the complete list of all possible charges and enjoy a hassle-free investment experience.

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    Securities Transaction
    0.1% BUY SELL
    0.025% SELL
    Stamp Duty
    0.015% BUY
    0.003% BUY SELL
    Exchange Transaction Charge
    NSE: 0.00297%
    BSE: 0.00375%
    NSE: 0.00297%
    BSE: 0.00375%
    SEBI Turnover Charge
    0.0001% BUY SELL
    0.0001% BUY SELL
    Investor Protection Fund
    Trust Charge
    NSE: 0.0001% BUY SELL
    NSE: 0.0001% BUY SELL
    DP AMC Charges
    First year free, ₹300/- per year thereafter
    Margin Pledge/Un-Pledge Charges
    ₹15/- per ISIN
    Debit Transaction Charges
    ₹15/- per ISIN
    Pay In/Early Pay In/Inter-Settlement
    ₹15/- per ISIN
    CUSPA Pledge Charges
    ₹30/- per ISIN
    CUSPA Un-Pledge Charges
    MTF Margin Pledge/Un-Pledge/Invocation Charges
    ₹20/- per ISIN
    Physical DP Document request
    ₹50/- per document + Courier Charges
    Demat/Destate Charges
    ₹2/- per certificate + ₹50/- Courier Charges
    Physical Demat Rejection
    Remat Charges
    ₹20/- per certificate + Courier Charges +
    CDSL & NSDL Actual Cost
    Restat & Destat Setup Charges
    ₹50/- per ISIN
    Normal Pledge/
    0.03% of transaction value or
    ₹15/- (whichever is higher)
    Delayed Payment Interest

    Charges Explained
    • Annual Maintenance Charges (AMC): These are the yearly charges collected from investors for rendering services like maintaining trading and Demat accounts, providing digital trading/ investing platforms, etc. It is applicable irrespective of whether you trade or invest in equity, derivatives, currency, or commodity seament.
    • Brokerage: Brokerage is the amount charged for facilitating the trade. For each intraday and delivery-based equity trade, the brokerage is charged based on the percentage of the transaction value. For the F&O trades, it is charged based on the number of lots traded.
    • Call & Trade Charges: Trades placed via a phone call attract these charges. Also, when the intraday orders get auto squared-off, it attracts call & trade charges. For intraday and delivery-based equity trades it is charged as a percentage of the transaction value. In the case of F&O trades, a fixed amount based on the number of lots traded is charged.
    • Delayed Payment/Interest Charges (MTF): A delay in payment of interest charges under MT or any other sum payable shall attract this charge. It is a fixed percentage of the amount outstanding.
    • Online Fund Transfer Fee: It is a nominal charge on every online fund transfer request. This flat fee is levied on every successful transaction.
    • Margin Requirement for F&O / Currency / Commodity Trades: The SEBI requires traders to mandatorily maintain a minimum margin for liquidity. It is the minimum amount of capital required to enter the trade. This margin must be maintained at all times while you’re in the trade.
    • Physical Document Request Fee: Most of the documents are digitised and are sent to your registered email ID. However, if you need a physical copy of any document, you can request the same by paying these charges. It involves a flat fee per document and the applicable courier charges.
    • Margin Pledge/Unpledge Charges: Shares purchased under the margin trade funding facility are mandatorily required to be pledged before the end of the day as per SEBI guidelines. Such a pledge and un-pledge request attract a nominal fee per script.
    • Inter-settlement / Pay-in / Pay-out Charges: For the pay-in and pay-out of stocks at the DP level, these charges are levied as a fixed amount for each script.
    • Demat Charges: This is a flat fee charged for the dematerialisation of shares from physical certificate to electronic format.
    • Remat Charges: For the rematerialisation of shares back to the certificate from an electronic format, remat charges are levied for each certificate along with the applicable courier charges.

    Additional Terms and Conditions of Pricing
    • The process for delivery trades for commodities will be different as compared to delivery trades for equity and therefore, the charges for commodities delivery trades will be levied accordingly.
    • For any Derivatives Trade: to maintain 50% cash and 50% stock margin. If 50% cash is not maintained, 18% penal charges will be levied.
    • Any delay in payments after the payout date, delay payment charges will be charged @ 18% pa.
    • Any auto square-off on account of RMS breach shall also be covered under the call & trade charges.
    • This pricing is applicable to individual accounts only.
    • Disputes, if any, wil be settled under the exclusive jurisdiction of civil courts in Kolkata, West Bengal.
    • For any grievances, kindly contact customercare@ashikagroup.com within 24 hours of occurrence of the transaction.
    • Taxes as applicable will be levied on above mentioned charges.
    • All types of DP dues will be transferred to respective client’s trading ledger.
    • Ashika Stock Broking Ltd reserves the absolute right to make alterations, revisions to the pricing plans by giving a 30 day notice to the client.

    Additional Terms and Conditions of DP Tariff
    • Cheque/Demand Draft should be in favour of “Ashika Stock Broking Ltd”.
    • Ashika Stock Broking Limited reserves the right to change the above tariff meant exclusively for DP by providing 30 days written notice and this will be binding on all.
    • Tax as applicable would be levied as applicable.
    • In case of any debit balance in Client’s name existing with the Company, DP is authorised to refuse to accept any type of instruction related to transfer of share/securities from client’s account, till the clearance of such dues.
    • Rs/- 50 +bank charges will be levied for any cheque dishonour, per instance.
    • AMC charges will be applicable on quarterly basis.
    • Franking/Stamp charges will be applicable extra.
    • The client agrees to pay the charges as set out herein above subject to any change their in from time to time and specially authorises DP to debit all type of dues/charges as set out herein above to client’s Trading Account having with Ashika Stock Broking Limited.
    • Disputes, if any, will be settled under the exclusive jurisdiction of civil courts in Kolkata, West Bengal.
    • For any grievances, kindly email us at dpservices@ashikagroup.com.
    • Consolidated Account Statement Charges as levied by respective Depository will be levied as and when applicable.
    • BSDA Scheme is applicable only for Individual Clients.
    • SEBI or Central Government regulates some of the charges mentioned above, and hence are subject to change. Brokerage is calculated on the transaction value.
    • 18% GST Applicable On Brokerage, DP charges, Exchange Transaction Charges, IPFT, SEBI Turnover charges, delayed transaction charges and auto square-off charges.
    • BSE Equity exchange transaction charges 0.00375% for all groups except P, ZP, SS, ST (1.0%), X, XT, Z (0.1%), A, B, E, F, FC, G, GC, W, T, R (0.00375%).
    • BSE Futures and Options exchange transaction charges for Sensex contracts of nearest expiry, the charge is 0.0375% of the premium.
    • The brokerage mentioned applies only to Direct/ONL clients.
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