
Radiowalla Network IPO: Top Things to Know Before Subscribing to Issue


by Sandip Das on 27 March 2024,  5 min read


Radiowalla Network Limited has opened its initial public offering (IPO) for subscription on March 27, 2024. The company has set the price band for the Radiowalla IPO between Rs 72 to Rs 76 per share. The issue will close on April 2, 2024. An application requires a minimum lot size of 1,600 shares, with retail investors needing to invest a minimum amount of Rs 1,21,600. For high-net-worth individuals (HNIs), the minimum lot size investment is 2 lots (3,200 shares), amounting to Rs 2,43,200.

About the Company

Radiowalla Network Limited, incorporated in July 2010, provides in-store radio services on a subscription model basis, including exclusive radio channels for brands. The company also offers corporate radio services, providing private radio channels for employee engagement within organizations. Additionally, the company provides advertising services such as digital signage solutions, content management services, and point-of-purchase advertising to clients. Its services are exclusively tailored for the business-to-business (B2B) sector.

Price Band

The company has set the price band for the Radiowalla IPO between Rs 72 to Rs 76 per share.

Issue Size

Investors can bid with a minimum lot size of 1,600 shares, with retail investors needing to invest a minimum amount of Rs 1,21,600. For high-net-worth individuals (HNIs), the minimum lot size investment is 2 lots (3,200 shares), amounting to Rs 2,43,200.

Also read: Domino’s, Subway supplier Chatha Foods IPO: Top Things to Know Before Subscribing to The Issue
IPO Reserve Portion
  • Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB): 18.86%
  • Non-Institutional Investors: 14.16%
  • Retail Investors: 32.94%
Objectives of the Issue
  1. To meet expenses for investment in technology
  2. To meet capital expenditure for the company
  3. To meet the working capital requirements of the company
  4. To meet general corporate purposes
  5. To meet issue expenses

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment or trading advice. The author is not a financial advisor and does not have any professional qualifications in this area. The author does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Any action you take based on the information in this blog post is done at your own risk. Please consult with a financial advisor before making any investment.

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